Scientific Program

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Owen Connolly

Counselling Psychologist, Ireland

Keynote: Infantile post-traumatic stress (Re-Set Therapy)

Time : 10:00-10:40



I will be presenting a reflection of my body of clinical trauma work, also represented in my book ‘On the Shoulders of Giants’ which was published in 2006. This work was first presented at the PSI Conference in 2012 and again in 2013. My clinical work centres around infantile post-traumatic stress, whereby symptoms of present anxieties are traced back to birth. This treatment programme is referred to as ‘Re-set Therapy’.


Areas being addressed in this presentation centre around the first brain region to be visible in the womb; the reptilian function of the brain. This is deepest, most ancient part of the human brain, largely unchanged by evolution. The reptilian brain activates instinctive behaviour related to survival, and controls essential bodily functions required for sustaining life, including: hunger, digestion, breathing, circulation, temperature, movement, and territorial instincts. The reptilian function is visible twenty-two days after conception. From very early on, this region appears to have a defensive role, which we now recognise as the ‘fight-or-flight’ response. The fight-or-flight response is a survival response, designed to respond appropriately to real or perceived threat. When the fight-or-flight response is triggered, cortisol levels are understood to increase. An increase in cortisol levels correlate with physical and psychological presentations of anxiety and related behavioural and self-regulatory disorders, such as ADD, ADHD, OCD and others, which clinicians have been seeking to address for some time, with mixed levels of success.

The individual’s unique DNA is being formed from conception, through in-utero development and into the delivery process. Recent developments in availability of procedures such as amnio-sentisis have provided unprecedented opportunity to assess the foetus from early stage development. However, practitioners using such procedures have presented ultrasound evidence of the foetus seemingly attempting an escape – a defence mechanism against a real or perceived threat, long before the rational brain has formed. Similarly, the delivery process can be a traumatic event, where tools such as forceps and suction-cups (venteuse) correlate with the experience of distress, which can have an interfering effect on the regulation within the child. The use of fMRI scans have demonstrated changes which arise in the brain of a child separated from their caregiver. Etiological studies of attachment patterns, grounded on theories of Bowlby and others, propose vast evidence of the effect of maternal anxiety on the affective regulation of the child, in-utero. These brain changes have been indicated to negatively influence subsequent self-regulation capacity for the child as well as the capacity to effectively trust others.

The design for survival is present, active and well-formed in the brain of the individual. The body’s alarm system is well-placed, and ‘perfectly’ created. The alarm system was never designed to be triggered constantly. We consider the alarm system within the brain as we would consider an alarm system of a building. The alarm must always be present but should only triggered in the event of a ‘break in’. Where the alarm system is triggered, there are demonstrable neurobiological alterations. We use this information to retrain the brain and the body, and to re-set the alarm. We teach our brains to be in-charge of the alarm once again; to be able to re-set and to reverse the reptilian override of the rational brain, the so-called ‘brain hijack’. That is the hope which Re-set Therapy proposes and succeeds to bring. We are at a cutting-edge crossroads in that the empirical evidence is catching up with what clinical practice of Re-set Therapy has demonstrated for years.

My presentation will explore the identification of and treatment plan for individuals presenting with the vast number of anxieties and neurological ailments throughout the lifespan. Case studies and reference to emergent and established data will be used throughout, in order to illustrate comprehensively beyond theory and into the clinical experience of Re-set Therapy.


Willem Fonteijn is a clinical psychologist. He published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a trainer for CBT. He is an enthusiastic mindfulness practitioner and works and lives in Amsterdam.



The process of kundalini awakening has a profound impact on yogis and meditators around the world. Different reports circulate varying from disturbing disintegrating experiences to blissful ones. This keynote addresses my own experience of spontaneous awakening during an intensive Vipassana retreat. It took years to digest the truth of this experience. And while doing so, a natural integrating in my Psycho-therapeutic practice evolved. For me and for my patients the impact is tremendous beneficial and comforting. The central insight is to cultivate the internal observer and apply him or her on dysfunctional emotional patterns.

In this keynote, I will reveal some highlights of my personal journey that illustrate the beneficial influence of kundalini awakening on my family life. We will explore what is known from the literature and I will present case stories from my own psychotherapeutic practice that illustrate how cultivating the neutral observer stance in patients help them to solve dysfunctional emotional issues. We will conclude this keynote by discussing the implications for training professionals in the mental health field.


  • Children Psychology

Session Introduction

Lissa C. Ramsepaul

Adjunct Professor, American University, Washington, DC

Title: The Changing Face of Youth Homelessness

Lissa Ramsepaul holds a clinical social work license.  She received her MSW in 2009, after completing a course of study where she received dual training both direct practice and program development & evaluation.  Her PhD thesis on Risk and Resilience in formerly homeless youth, reflects her lifelong interest in working with individuals, communities, and larger systems, alleviating the impact of multifarious social issues and suffering among marginalized populations.

She is passionate about blending best practices of working with underserved populations with management, advocacy, and larger systemic change, she also brings over 22 years of hands-on experience working in the non-profit sector. Her service to vulnerable populations began with direct service delivery as a crisis counselor in the early 1990s. Today, she works as an independent consultant and has served in leadership positions for non-profit organizations to ensure that the most vulnerable clients received the highest level of care and service


Statement of the Problem: This study seeks to examine the life experiences of homeless adults whose relationship with their parents or their children were impacted by the family’s experience of homelessness while raising children. Family Systems Theory identifies families as a central “system” in each society which exist for the purpose of creating and maintaining the structure and balance inside of the family system while socializing children to the norms, expectations, and internal and external factors that shape life and society (Hearn 1969).  Contemporary study of family relationships improved our understanding of the long-lasting impact of the parent-child relationship as well as the role of the larger family system in creating the context in which child development occurs. A variety of individual and environmental factors impact the quality, consistency, and depth of these relationships with varying effects upon the developing child.  These effects continue well into adulthood, and can provide resilience against ongoing social issues or predispose children towards risks.  

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This is an exploratory, qualitative study that uses a grounded theory approach to understanding the lived experiences of families experiencing homelessness, and the specific impact on the relationship between parent and child.

Findings/Conclusion & Significance This results of this study suggest that the primary reason that the family became homeless is significant in contextualizing any disruption to the parent-child relationship and any impact on family cohesion.  Issues of substance abuse by a parent, parental incarceration, child abuse, and domestic violence were all factors that both impacted the family’s housing stability and the parent-child relationship.  This presentation will discuss the specific impact of these factors on child development and life trajectory in early adulthood, as well as potential treatment interventions.



Dr Veena Easvaradoss is associate professor and head of the Psychology Department, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India. She is a professional clinical psychologist whose research interests include evaluation of the effectiveness of clinical, counseling and educational interventions in normal and clinical groups, test construction to measure psychosocial functions and positive psychology and mental health. She is the co-investigator of the Government of India-funded Department of Science and Technology project.



Research on the effect of chess training on cognitive abilities has generally pointed to increases in IQ and cognitive functioning among children. However, some studies have not substantiated this finding. The present study, funded by the Cognitive Science Research Initiative, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, analyzed the effect of 2-year systematic chess training on the IQ of schoolchildren. A pretest–posttest with control group design was used. The sample was randomly selected from children studying in four city schools (grades 3–9), which included both the genders. The experimental group (N = 80) underwent weekly chess training for 2 years, while the control group (N = 77) was involved in extracurricular activities offered in school such as cricket, football, and hockey. Both the groups were involved in these activities after school hours. Intelligence was measured by Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV INDIA). This test yields five composite scores—Full Scale IQ, Working Memory Index, Processing Speed Index, Verbal Comprehension Index, and Perceptual Reasoning Index. Assessment was carried out prior to the chess training, after 1 year of training, and after 2 years of training by psychologists. The training methodology comprised Winning Moves Chess Learning Program with the demonstration board, on-the-board playing and training, chess exercise through workbooks, and working with chess software, which was carried out by trained chess coaches. Preliminary analysis at the end of 1 year revealed significant increases in all indices except Verbal Comprehension. Results of ANCOVA carried out at the completion of 2 years will be presented in the paper.




Alcohol, a neurobehavioral teratogen, directly penetrates the placenta therefore causing aberrant embryonic development leading to lifelong constellation of structural, behavioral and neurocognitive anomalies termed as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (Raghavendra & Pratima, 2008). Despite the rampant alcoholic consumption in the Philippines (World Health Organization, 2004), there is still an apparent paucity of information pertinent to the pervasive implications of exposure to alcohol in utero. Hence, through a descriptive research design, the current study sought to delineate the neurodevelopmental profiles of individuals suspected of having FASD with Sentinel Facial Features in Angeles City. Out of the 4,000 grade one students initially screened, 13 were found to exhibit the cardinal facial anomalies associated with the condition. Notably, one limitation of the study is that only five consented to undergo the neurodevelopmental assessment. Relative to the assessment findings, it was identified that impairments cut across the evaluated neurodevelopmental domains, with an apparent deficits in learning and behaving appropriately. These challenges are relative to low scores on tests which evaluate cognitive functioning, language, memory, attention, executive functioning, affect regulation and adaptive behavior. In general, the results of the assessment per se is akin with the existing literature but with marked variations particularly in neuroanatomy, processing speed, adaptive functioning, mathematical computational skills, motor coordination and visual-motor skills. Given that this is a follow-up study of the pioneer FASD research in the Philippines, it is therefore the researchers’ hope that the results of the paper would pave way to an increase public awareness relative to the dangers of prenatal alcohol exposure, leading to greater prevention techniques and increment in support movements to those affected and even to their families.

  • Treatment and Recovery

Session Introduction

Viktor Vus

Institute for Social and Political Psychology, Ukraine

Title: Mental Health and Current Social Conditions: How Modern Society Looks After Own Mental Health


Introduction. Modern humanity is suffering from numerous problems that violate world stability, and hinder sustainable development of countries, causing an increase in tension in the system of social interaction. The problem of Mental Health Care in the contemporary world becomes global in a large scale. Each country in the world faces significant hindrances in both socio-psychological and economic aspects of the Mental Health Care system. No country has completely solved this problem yet.

At the same time the WHO notes that in the future, given aging population and worsening social problems, the number of people with mental and behavioural disorders will increase considerably (WHO, 2018). That’s why the Mental Health Care issue appears to be an important factor of social development, productive work and social stability in any country all over the world (Flaherty, 2018).

Methodology. The study was designed using the following aspects: (a) the young generation of transitional countries was chosen as the population source for the study in order to more effectively predict future tendencies of the development of both civil society and the mental health of the population in these countries (as they relate to the development of global society); (b) Ukraine was chosen as the base transitional country for study since Ukrainian society is currently facing severe social challenges in civil society development (socio-economic crisis, social transformations, social consequences of military conflict, increase in migratory activity, etc.).

The psycho-diagnostic markers were defined using data from the Mental Health Foundation ( (Mental Health Foundation, 2017). The questionnaire was structured in such a way as to represent different aspects of caring for one’s own mental health (interpersonal communication; physical activity; eating and drinking; listening to one’s own body; social representation; mental and physical relaxation; self-perception; interpersonal relationships). For the appropriate questions respondents were asked to identify the average time spent on the specific activity (in minutes per week) and to divide their answers between 2 aspects of these activities (whether enjoyable or mechanical/routine).

  1. The culture of interpersonal communication (talking about own feelings (reflection of life events; solving of life challenges; functional abilities; aims and priorities; social relationships etc))
  2.  The culture of physical activity
  3. The culture of eating and drinking
  4. The culture of listening to own body
  5. The culture of social representation (Ask for help; Do something you’re good at etc)
  6. The culture of mental and physical relaxing
  7. The culture of  selfperception
  8. The culture of  interpersonal relationships (care for others; spirituality etc)

As participants of this research students from different regions of Ukraine were involved (583 persons)

Results. 78% of the individuals under study weren’t able to verbalize and concretize their own understanding of definition “Mental Health”. And only 6% of the individuals under study have defined MH as “emotional health”, “social wellbeing”, “social, personal and psychic harmony”.

The average time that modern Ukrainians spend for talking about own feelings  is 172 minutes per week. However, 77% of the individuals under study are disappointed with emotional feedback of their partners in interpersonal communication.

Only 8% and 5% of general time for doing walking and household chores are enjoyable for persons under study. But 88, 90, 75, and 93% of general time for doing morning exercises, fitness, jogging, competitive activities are enjoyable for persons under study.

 68% of individuals haven’t got any special system of their exercises, fitness or jogging

 The eating as an enjoyable activity takes only 34% of general time. 83% of individuals haven’t got any special system of eating (content of meal, times per day. They often combine eating and other activities).

 In average, relaxing takes only 159 minutes per week. At the same time, 93% of individuals haven’t got any regular system of relaxing activities (Yoga, Stretching exercises, Meditation, Breathing exercises)

According to the received results, 87% of individuals aren’t satisfied with the feedback for their taking care activities.

Practical/Social value: The results of this investigation assist to identify avenues to reduce the impact of social frustrators, improve the mental health of citizens of transitional countries, and establish the social stability of their interaction.



Tjeu Theunissen is a PhD-candidate at Maastricht University (NL) and has completed several clinical trainings. He is working (part-time) as a therapist in the specialized health care at mental health clinic U-Center (NL), performing EMDR on international patients with PTSD (mostly NATO soldiers). He has experience as a therapist, researcher, and teacher in clinical psychology, in which a specialization in psycho-trauma is apparent. Highlights in his achievements are winning the FPN education prize for best teacher during his first year of teaching at Maastricht University, and being excepted in world’s most top- rated incubator program ‘Y-Combinator’ with the presented EMDR-VR business concept. He has founded the company SilVRmind with the specific aim to improve trauma therapy via Innovation technology, with a strong focus on scientific research and clinical practice.



Statement of the Problem: By overloading the working memory during EMDR therapy with dual attentional tasking, the quality of the traumatic memory is altered and its intensity weakened, leading to less symptoms of PTSD. Crucial to EMDR therapy is the adequate dosage of the secondary task (WM taxation) during recall of traumatic memories. In clinical EMDR, the secondary task consists of bilateral eye movements. However, the speed and width of EM's is not recorded, while they may have large effects on WM taxation and thus treatment outcome. It appears, then, that it would be helpful to have a secondary task of which the degree of WM taxation can be manipulated and adjusted to individual patients. Method: A pilot feasibility study investigated whether a Virtual Reality EMDR intervention that titrates WM load per individual leads to more reduction of subjective distress towards trauma compared to other traditional (non-VR) interventions. PTSD patients were offered three conditions of EMDR administering as a choice. Findings: The EMDR VR administering had positive effect on decreasing subjective distress within a single EMDR session, and more positive effect compared to traditional methods. In addition, a large proportion of patients preferred the VR as treatment method of choice. Overall, patients reported the VR to have better therapy outcome and subjective distress reduction, a more immersive experience, and less distraction by the therapist’s presence. Conclusion & Significance: Titrating WM load per individual could improve EMDR therapy effectivity. Moreover, VR would be a promising research environment to study EMDR and PTSD treatment because it allows for precise controlling and manipulating therapy variables to alter WM load. More data is needed to explore the effects of titrating WM load and VR administering on PTSD treatment. Future VR utilization in PTSD treatment is suggested.   





Rap music is one of the most popular forms of music among youth (Dyson, 1996).

Rap music emerged over four decades ago as a struggle for self-determination

following North American slavery and oppression. The Hip-Hop culture was founded

on this adversity and illustrates a form of social protest, promoting messages of

social awareness, personal consciousness, activism, pleasure and power (Miller et

al., 2013). As such the lyrical content of rap music has widely focused on social

issues, drug use, crime, violence, religion, culture, alienation and disenfranchisement. Research to date has supported the therapeutic efficacy of rap

music for at-risk young adults (Levy, 2012; Alvarez, 2011; Elligan, 2000). Although,

Hip-Hop Therapy is a relatively novel and unconventional mode of therapy for young

people, engagement with rap music programs have found to be increasingly high compared to Treatment as Usual (TAU; Elligan, 2000). As such, Hip-Hop therapy remains an effective but underutilized treatment approach targeting at-risk youth and currently, there are few similar programs in the community or correctional settings in Australia.


The Rhythm & Rhymes Adolescent/Adult Program (RRAP) or Hip-Hop therapy, is a therapeutic group program for young and adult offenders with severe mental health disorders. The objectives of the group was to use rap music and song writing to increase prosocial activities, facilitate positive behaviour change, increase engagement in therapeutic programs, improve coping skills, depression, anxiety and hopelessness in young people with severe mental health disorders.



Forty adolescent and adult patients from a high secure Forensic Hospital in Sydney, Australia completed a voluntary 12-week Hip-Hop Therapy group. A mixed methods study design was utilised. Pre and post group measures were collected, individual lyrics were qualitatively analysed and post group interviews were conducted.



Results found that there were improvements in prosocial behaviours, engagement in therapy, depression, coping skills, anxiety and hopelessness.



Overall, this study illustrates how rap music has the potential to promote prosocial behaviour, increase engagement in treatment, improve empowerment, self-efficacy and distress tolerance skills in correctional and forensic settings.



Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Nader Butto

MD Specialist in Cardiology and Hemodynamic at the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva, Member of FIHS (Israel Heart Society), Member of European Society of Cardiology

Keynote: The Integration between Psychology and Spirituality

Time : 10:00-11:00


Dr. Nader Butto born in Nazareth, Israel.  He graduated from Medical school in Torino, Italy in 1983, completed his cardiology specialization in Israel in 1992 and in 1995 completed his training in Advanced Invasive Cardiology in France.   In 1998 Dr. Butto spent two months at Arizona Heart Hospital in Phoenix Arizona on a fellowship in peripheral vascular angioplasty such as the carotid and renal arteries. He has been working as an on-staff specialist in invasive-cardiology at the Rabin Medical Centre since 1995. Presently, his main work at the hospital is coronary angiography and angioplasty, in which he dilates the stenotic coronary arteries using balloons, stents, rotablators etc.



The model which consider the brain as wave analyzer that captures the information from the "cloud" of the soul. I divide the soul into three parts, the first one called the animal soul which is the magnetic field emerged from all the electromagnetic fields of all cells and organs. the interaction between the animal soul and the brain produce the Id o Es according to the structural model of Freud, and the second and third part are two quantum states (states of information) when they interact with the brain produce the Ego and Super-Ego. The new approach will connect the four life phases which are excitation, expansion, contraction, and relaxation with four stress phases and four fear levels: anxiety, fear, panic, and terror and connect the psychological conflict with the physical disturbances and the development of the disease. In this way, we add the psychology to medicine and spirituality to psychology based on a systemic model that considers physical, psychological social and spiritual aspect as interconnected.


  • Behavioral Science

Session Introduction

Ibrahim Abdelrahim Ibrahim Humaida

Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan

Title: The Psychology of the brain and behavior


The main purpose of this article is to elaborate on the mutual impact of both brain and behavior. To fulfill this aim, a relevant  literature has  been reviewed. It is obvious that millions of people are affected by brain disturbances such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's , and Epilepsy. These serious  injuries indicate the significance of the biological foundation of human behavior , therefore, Biopsychology is a branch of Psychology that explains how the brain influences our behavior. This field of psychology is often referred to by a variety of names such as: Biopsychology, Physiological Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Psychobiology. Bio psychologists are, therefore, concerned with how these  biological processes interact with emotion , cognition, and other  mental processes, in addition to give a scientific interpretation of the nature of the relationship between brain and behavior. This overlapping effect and interaction lead to a complicated human behavior. Conclusion: This paper highlights the fact that both the Brain and behavior are considered foundation of Biological psychology.



Julius Atitsogbui obtained both his Master Degree in (Organizational and Human Resource Management (MPhil) and Bachelor Degree in Psychology from the University of Ghana. He had worked with Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research as a research assistant. And as a young researcher with keen interest in nurses’ management wrote several papers and had one article published in Nursing Open Journal. He also served recently as a reviewer for International Journal of Family Business and yet to be confirmed a reviewer for American Journal Nursing Science. As an entrepreneur, I co- founded of Vovoli- Enterprise, Ghana and had worked with Capital Bank as a speed banker.


In recent times, scholars have implied that organizational success is dependent on the compatibility between employees and their organizations and the extent to which their abilities, knowledge and skills match with the nature of the job. Even though Person-Organization fit and Person-Job fit are highly discussed as predictors of turnover intention, little is known about how these constructs predict nurses’ turnover intention particularly in the Ghanaian context. The current research examined Person-Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit as predictors of turnover intentions among Ghanaian registered nurses. It explored the mediating effect of psychological climate on this relationship (person-organization fit, person-job fit and turnover intention). A cross-sectional survey method was used to collect data from 322 registered nurses in both private and public Hospitals in Ghana. Simple linear and multiple hierarchical regression were employed to analyze the hypotheses of the study. Results indicated that both Person-Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit have no direct significant relationship on turnover intention. However, psychological climate directly predicts turnover intention among Ghanaian registered nurses. Also, psychological climate partially mediated both the relationship between person-organization fit and turnover intention as well as the relationship between person-job fit and turnover intention among the nurses studied. The findings add to theory by proposing a review and an extension of the Attraction‐Selection‐Attrition theory by Schneider (1987). The authors recommend that organizations particularly management of health facilities enlist nurses whose personal predispositions, values, abilities, knowledge and skills meet the values of the organization and demands of the profession. More so, it is imperative for health care managers and organisations to redirect efforts towards building nurses' positive perception of their work environment. In other words, factors such as supportive leadership, clarity of roles and management’s recognition of nurses’ contributions to the organization are critical for building positive psychological climate of the nurses and hence reduce turnover intention.

  • Causes of Behaviour

Session Introduction

Konina M.A

Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Russia

Title: Unrestricted sexual behavior in modern Russian society: personality disorders and Cultural pathology

Konina M.A. has her expertise in research of sexual behavior in modern Russian culture, and in improving the sexual, personal and interpersonal relations health. The trends she has found are confirmed in several independent samples, based on more than 800 interviews. They show that promiscuity is a phenomenon of Russian culture and prove the cultural pathology. The studies confirmed one of the principle idea of the cultural and historical psychology grounds (the famous Russian school, established by L.S. Vygotsky); it says that the formation of the human psyche takes place in the process of assimilation of cultural experience.



Unrestricted sexual behavior (promiscuity) is a phenomenon of modern Russian culture and one of the characteristics of personality pathology. There were two samples in the study.

Sample 1: 492 people (235 men and 237 women) were surveyed anonymously through the website, specifically created for this study. Methods: revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), the scale of dysfunctional beliefs with BPD (PBQ-BPD). Conclusions: The SOI-R method, first used in Russian sample, fully confirmed its traditional structure. Unrestricted sexual behavior is widespread in modern Russian society: 24% of the sample had more than three partners per year, 17,5% had more than 10 "one night stand" partners, 50% agreed with the statement that "sex without love is fine." The analysis showed that 16,7% of the sample show promiscuous behavior (5 or more sexual partners per year), which is close to the level of European countries. There is a progressive growth of all indicators of unrestricted sexuality (behavior, attitude, desire) from age group 18-25, to age group 26-35, to age group 36-41 and to age group 41-52 - unrestricted sexual strategies become confidently fixed with age. Contrary to initial expectations, it was found that the percentage of persons with BPD among people that meet the criteria for unrestricted sexual behavior does not exceed the general population (2%). It can indicate the leading role of cultural trends in the phenomenon of unrestricted sexual behavior as a trend to normalize it. It was found that two factors characterizing BPD — dependency factor (reflecting fears of abandonment and helplessness) and protection factor (reflecting the tendency to impulsivity) — are connected in opposite ways with different factors of unrestricted sexual behavior: expressed dependence reduces promiscuity and expressed impulsivity increases it.

Sample 2: 50 men with profiles on a dating website. Methods: revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), short version of the Personality Beliefs Questionnaire (PBQ-SF), Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R). Conclusions: beliefs that promiscuity is accepted are linked to the beliefs specific to dependent, obsessive-compulsive, antisocial, schizoid and paranoid personality disorders. Promiscuity is related to hostility and distrust to people, first of all, to intimate partners.

Dipankar Patra

Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu

Title: Use of Hypnosis in stoking the fire of creativity


In this article, the lead author and hypnotherapist, examine the role of hypnosis in enhancing creativity amongst individuals.  In general, Hypnosis is very successful amongst creative people in handling anxiety, dealing with negative self-talk, motivating to stop procrastination, building self-confidence and the release of the creative power of the subconscious.

While examining the existing research literature, the author finds that there are various range of observations by researchers. There are some who feels that hypnosis facilitates generation of new ideas or images and that it facilitates the retrieval of ideas and images into phenomenal awareness. On the other extreme are researchers who feel that no real facilitation of creative insight takes place because of hypnosis. The neo-dissociation theory is used to support this view.

There are various areas where hypnosis and creativity appear to be related constructs, and this has both an observed and a theoretical foundation.

Creativity is examined considering stable personality trait and hypnotisability, especially in relation to 3 interrelated constructs – absorption, imaginative involvement and fantasy proneness. Some type of modification in awareness takes place in the 4 stages of creative process: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.

Effortlessness is the critical link in understanding similarities between the process underlying hypnosis and creativity. The creative individual as well as the highly hypnotisable subject both have greater than normal capacity for transition from active to a passive mode of thinking.

Attempts have been made to list down various methodological differences which do not lead to confirm whether creative performance increases during hypnosis. Similarly, attempts to study whether motivation and goal directed behaviour alone can influence creativity is also examined. Methodological problems in the study of hypnosis and creativity is attributed to conceptual differences and future research in this direct is essential to unlock this mystery.